1. What school won the NCAA tournament fifty years ago?
2. Where is the smallest bird in the world found?

3. What was Louis Armstrong's nickname?
4. Name every street off of Charles St. between Branch Ave. and Admiral St.
5. What is the name of the high school President Obama graduated from?
6. Name the five presidents before Obama.
7. Name three people on the FBI's most wanted list.
8. Name a country directly south of the country where Ali won his Olympic gold medal.

9. Which continent is it on?
10. Who was the first principal of Academy of Service?
11. Draw a line the same length as the smallest reptile ever discovered.
12. The Crusades took place near what large body of water?
13. What happened at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in 1973?
14. Where was chess invented?
15. Name two founders of the Black Panther Party.
(search based on the last month or so of class)